Our plan for resuming in-person worship has been prayerfully crafted by a group of elders, deacons, and church staff who have sought advice from the Covenant COVID-19 Task Force, consulted with sister churches in our own city and beyond, and tried to work within the spirit of the guidelines of the Nashville mayor's reopening plan. That said, we are confident the plan is imperfect! We assume that we will make modifications in the coming weeks as conditions change in Nashville. To view our plan go to
Childcare will not be provided. Children are welcome to join their parents and participate in the service.
The services will last approximately forty-five minutes, and we will use the same liturgy at each service. The pastoral staff will rotate. As has been true with the home worship guides, the bulletin will include the hymns and Scripture readings. We will provide bulletins (placed in the seats prior to each service).
We ask that everyone wear a mask (with the exception of young children under age two) and maintain appropriate distance at all times.
Be sure you have a mask for each member of your family. We will have masks at the door if someone arrives without one.
Facilities will be thoroughly cleaned after each service. Doors will remain open to increase airflow and to limit touch points.
We will utilize every other row in the sanctuary and also leave space between families on each row. Chairs in the fellowship hall will be spaced appropriately.
The bathrooms will be open but limited to half capacity. We discourage use of the water fountains at this time.
If you are attending a sanctuary service, park in front of the sanctuary and enter through the main sanctuary doors.
If you are attending a fellowship hall service, park near and enter through the covered entrance.
Yes, please arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow time for checking in and being seated.